Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Un petit oiseau, très tentant


Looming shadow.


A sniff.


Looks better from this angle.



I bought this little bird (from BROOKLYNrehab on Etsy) in a fit of pique while watching some of the Republican convention speeches. It looks a lot like a scaled-down version of a beautiful piece of glass I had seen at ABC Carpet & Home the day before. This was way less expensive, and will live on my bookshelf, atop a stack of Ian McEwan novels, next to a photo of my parents smooching.

1 comment:

Alyssa Zygmunt said...

Hi It's Alyssa from BROOKLYNrehab. In a moment of ego-mania I googled myself and found your blog. I love the photos with your cat! Thanks for making my day.