Monday, April 14, 2008

Phrenological heads and chicks with dicks


Tonight I took advantage of one of my privileges as a member of the American Folk Art Museum and dragged John to the joint opening reception for Asa Ames: Occupation Sculpturing and Dargerism.

You have to go.

You have to go if you get Darger, if you see the way that literature and music and art have responded to the freak of nature that was Henry Darger and wonder if it's just you, or if America isn't looking a little more like Abbiennia every day?

You have to go if you have no idea who Henry Darger was.

And when you go, you have to go all the way of to the fourth floor and look at the child-sized phrenological head.

And don't worry, you can't miss the chicks with dicks. They're everywhere.

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