Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Oh, the silliness

I took a long, slow, errand-filled walk home from an appointment today, and got to stretch out the seventy-degree journey even longer by running into an art friend in front of the Port Authority. Thank goodness, because she saved me from making the dreaded Popeye's detour (right on 40th as I head north on Eighth).

By the time I got home, I had almost forgotten that I wanted to check out the milling throng of striking writers I expected to see in front of the Colbert Report.

Have I mentioned we live next door to the Colbert Report?

Anyway, I could see some movement down the street as I neared our corner, but it wasn't a picket line.

It was just a line of excited soon-to-be audience members...

...and a bouncy castle for the strikers.

Click to enlarge, because the sign is funny. The commotion that initially caught my eye was bouncing strikers, but I was too shy to shoot until they had finished.

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