Tuesday, December 04, 2007

String theory

One night last week, our dinner looked like this:

Everything stringy!

Spaghetti squash with nutmeg, some crunchy slaw, and Otsu from Heidi Swanson's Super Natural Cooking. This cookbook sort of took over my head while I was visiting Karen in Durham.

Oh, that's right! Yes, this is, sadly, the much-delayed first post since my trip. I can't even describe how great it was to see Karen, to get to know David a little better, to be so well fed, and to get out of New York City. It was exactly the break I needed before the holiday insanity began.

It's in full swing, now, that insanity, though to be honest, it's not that different from the base level of insanity. And to be more honest, at least the holiday insanity has distracting fairy lights and sparkly tinsel.

1 comment:

oneredboot said...

and it was so wonderful to see you!! isn't that otsu amazing! nicely paired with the spaghetti squash...

love the xmas branch, btw...