Monday, August 27, 2007

Excuses, excuses

I seem to have reverted to writing posts in my head again, and not on the actual blog. I'll try to buck that trend here.

It won't surprise anyone who knows me in real life to learn that I spent this (Sunday) evening soaking and scrubbing mussel shells that I insisted on bringing home from dinner Saturday. I'm not sure I'm happy with the result. I want to use them in a Cornell-type box, which I've been promising to make for John for several years. Every time I start, though, I'm overwhelmed by how difficult it actually is to create that kind of visual poetry. I've abandoned more than one shadowbox when the going got tough.


It's late, and I need to get up at 6am to try to register for the one open space in that math class. Think sweet thoughts for me.

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