Tuesday, July 08, 2008

I wish I could say it won't happen again

I usually wear capri pants to yoga, but it was so nasty out today (and I was so unsure about what it would be like inside the studio) that I opted for some comfy shorts I usually wear for pjs.

No one ran screaming in horror during my seven-minute walk to Sonic. Nobody stared. I never got a second look.

What is wrong with people that no one told me how horrifying my thighs have become? What good is living in a city full of buttinskis if no one will tell you your cellulite is showing?

In the mirror at home, things look eh. From downward facing dog, things look EEEEEEK!

Good thing I'm getting back "on program" this week. And, apparently, will need to stay there for the rest of my life.

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